The project aims to raise awareness and promote the Austro-Hungarian First World War cemeteries in Prosecco and Aurisina.
The rediscovery of the memory of these sites begins with historical research and the location of the cemeteries themselves to make it possible for families and students to visit and get know the places, the events and the names of the fallen of the army engaged on the Isonzo Front.
Setting off from the historical lists, checks were made on the ground to determine the exact burial place of each fallen soldier, documenting it photographically.
Additional lists were sought out from which to draw more information, such as the rank the unit, date of death and any other available information.
People from many ethnic groups that went to make up the Austro-Hungarian Empire are buried here together with Italian and Russian prisoners of war who also died in the field hospitals from which these cemeteries originate.
During the war years the fallen were buried in various sites and only in the following decades were these burials reorganized at their current sites. Unfortunately many of them have been lost track of during the various exhumations and transfers.
The handwriting with which the names of the fallen is written is also testament to the plurality of ethnic groups, the memory of which has been preserved in the historical archives. For example, the name of a single fallen soldier may have been transcribed in three different ways and this is faithfully reported in this database.
The principal name is that stated on the grave.
The ranks and units of the soldiers come from the lists of the time, sometimes partial or difficult to interpret. In cases of doubt it has been transcribed as much as it was legible.
The intention is to present the data as it was at the time when the events took place, devoid interpretations and translations from later lists.
For example in the lists of the fallen soldier it is listed as Infantry Regiment 91, although his status was originally that of Gefreiter - KuK Infanterie Regiment 91.
The guide is available through the web platform and iOS and Android mobile applications.
Any suggestions, contributions or additional information that readers of this page may want to provide will be warmly welcomed.